Thursday, September 17, 2009

Popping My Blogging Cherry

I had all this stuff on my mind that I wanted to write about. Now that I've gone to all the trouble of getting everything set up, I'm speechless. This doesn't happen often. Wait. Gimme a sec.....Ok. I'll just list them like Dave Letterman does in his Top Ten and then go more in-depth about them at a later time...

Kristy's Top 10 List of Crap
10. Stuff I use(d) parenting my daughter that EVERY parent or future-parent should know about.
9. I'm sitting in a room that is red, white & blue, yet has nothing to do with the American Flag.
8. It's a good thing I like Pepsi because it looks like the CEO of Pepsi threw up all over this room.
7. My mother is snoring louder than my father and my daughter is talking about "yucky butts" (yucky bugs) in her sleep.
6. OMG I have to get up in less than three hours. Screw it, I'm already up. I'll just blog and Facebook for less than three hours.
5. Why is it that for years I've been telling people this kid was an idiot and it takes him hurting someone I consider a friend from high school for everyone to realize it?
4. Shew-wee! Pepper you stink. Go fart somewhere else.
3. I will NEVER support the Detroit Lions again...On Monrovia, On Monrovia, Win for M...I cannot believe Brandon Stokley gets to play for Denver and John doesn't get to play at all. I'm so glad my husband told off Stokley's parents at Tiki Bob's...somebody flick Stokley's ear so he can puss-out and claim his toe is broke.
2. I miss my husband...GOD Stokley's a wimp...ugh...
1. My mother has breast cancer. This sucks. I feel helpless. "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference..."

Don't call, text or write. Just keep her in your prayers. Please.

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